Participation Activity no. 8 is a lesson observation assignment that should be completed by logging into our EdPuzzle class (class name: TLSPG 2018; class code: tewluja). The lesson observation and feedback activity can be conducted during class time on Thursday, 25th October. The deadline is Tuesday, 30 October. The lesson will serve as content for instruction and discussion on both the skill of Speaking as well as Lesson Planning.
The lesson is a Secondary 2 double lesson specifically on the speaking strategy of elaboration. In the lesson, the teacher aims to teach the students how to elaborate specifically and effectively in order to increase the length of time they can discuss a topic.
Watch the lesson on Edpuzzle. The video of the lesson is divided into three parts. After each part, there are two questions asking you to 1. specify the most notable strength and 2. make a specific suggestion. The three parts of the lesson are: 1. Input; 2. Preparation and Practice; 3. Group sharing and Feedback
The lesson plan is here.
When you have finished watching all three parts, write a 50+ word comment about your observation of the lesson in the comment box of this post. Possible comment topics may include: What did you learn from the lesson about how to teach speaking? How can a teacher motivate students to speak more actively? Is it important to make speaking activities authentic/realistic? Can fluency be taught as a strategy or must it be learned by practice? Is there anything about this lesson design that would help to improve it significantly? You may also want to reply to your classmates' comments.