- Suggest one or two topics for your integrated teaching package in the order of your own preference (the first topic is your own favourite and so on).
- Topics must be suited to the students' educational needs, cognitive maturity, and personal interests (as much as possible).
- You should choose topics of current relevance, which may include aspects of personal, social, moral, or scientific interest.
- Topics that provide rich language resources , text types, critical thinking and creative thinking potential are desirable.
- Topics should be neither too broad (food; love; environment) or too narrow (Hong Kong egg tarts; romantic break-ups; the plight of Brazilian rainforest frogs).
- They should be balanced to allow students to generalize skills to other topics (broad, divergent activities) as well as allowing some depth of learning (narrow, convergent activities). This approach also facilitates creating top-down and bottom-up language learning activities.
- For ideas, first consider current events, news items, Hong Kong social issues, opportunities and ills, etc. You should refer to textbooks only after you have brainstormed several topics of your own.
- Online Shopping
- Our Robotic Future
- The Power of the Media
Submit your own teaching topic ideas here before 12:00 midnight, 24th Sept 2018 (Monday).