Friday, March 29, 2019

Final Assignment Submission Details

Submit your final assignment (The Integrated Teaching Package and Essay) to Moodle (softcopy) as per the instructions AND the assignment submission box (bound hardcopy). Note these details:
  • A Hardcopy of both the integrated teaching package (lesson plans, teaching materials and references) and the essay is required.  
  • You must submit a Softcopy of the Final Assignment to Moodle as a single file.
  • If you choose to submit your assignment by post, it will be counted as submitted on the day it is postmarked. You can choose certified mail or special delivery if you like.
  • The deadline of the assignment is midnight on Sunday, 7th April 2019
  • Late assignments will be deducted 5 points per day (24 hours) of the 70 marks total. 
  • Follow this link for the Assignment Cover Page
For more details on the assignment, rubrics and grading, see the Course Outline link on this blog. 

Moodle Assignment Submission Instructions

Hardcopy Assignment Submission Box B4-1/F-22

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Poster Conference Preparation

Each "Topic Expert Group" should prepare a poster of their own  group's final lesson plan for sharing on Thursday, 6th December. The purpose of the poster sharing is to provide a student-made "model" of each topic/skill. The model lesson may also serve as a reference for planning your own individual lesson plans for the integrated teaching package.

The design of the poster is important, as it may not be possible to include all of the details of your group's lesson plan. The final design of the lesson and the design of the poster is the responsibility of all group members.

Appropriate headings for the poster design include: Rationale; Objectives (Language objectives and Other learning objectives); Previous learning (relevant to the lesson); Lesson Steps/Lesson Flow/Lesson Plan; Teaching materials; Assessment (of students); Evaluation (by expert group); References.

Poster Samples for Poster Conference Presentations (Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing)

Refer to the poster presentations of the six lessons as a reference for some principles of good lesson planning, including: carefully chosen topics; clear, concise, achievable and measurable language learning (and "other learning") objectives; teaching language-in-context; student-centered learning activities; effective use of CLT teaching and learning principles and methodology (from the course and the text); and opportunities for assessment or feedback.







Teaching Writing (A Language Arts, Process Writing, Integrated Skills Approach)

Activity: Lesson Observation and Analysis

Watch the following lesson after referring to the lesson plan, teaching materials and related texts. All those materials were given to you class on 8th Nov 2018 and can also be found linked here. The song that is played in the lesson is edited out, so a version of it is included in the music video below. 

After observing the video of the lesson, answer the 7 discussion questions about the lesson on the worksheet and complete a brief 2+2 analysis. The questions on the additional worksheet "Group Discussion: Teaching Writing" are for your reference only and do not need to be completed.

The hardcopy of the completed questions and 2+2 will be collected in class on Thurs, 22nd November.

"What is this thing called 'Love'?" - Writing an Extended Metaphor

"The Rose" (Song)