Thursday, November 8, 2018

Poster Conference Preparation

Each "Topic Expert Group" should prepare a poster of their own  group's final lesson plan for sharing on Thursday, 6th December. The purpose of the poster sharing is to provide a student-made "model" of each topic/skill. The model lesson may also serve as a reference for planning your own individual lesson plans for the integrated teaching package.

The design of the poster is important, as it may not be possible to include all of the details of your group's lesson plan. The final design of the lesson and the design of the poster is the responsibility of all group members.

Appropriate headings for the poster design include: Rationale; Objectives (Language objectives and Other learning objectives); Previous learning (relevant to the lesson); Lesson Steps/Lesson Flow/Lesson Plan; Teaching materials; Assessment (of students); Evaluation (by expert group); References.

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